Wellbeing By Design

Creating emotional climates designed for peak performance 

Islanda Wellbeing Program 

(Programmes delivered in businesses and schools)

Our whole organisation approach injects the right ENERGY into teaching and learning and equipping ALL staff to PROACTIVELY manage their own wellbeing effectively and creating an emotional environment for peak performance.

Without fuel, even the best engine won't get you there. Similarly, without energy, even the best lessons, skilfully crafted to increase knowledge and develop skills, will fall short.

To obtain peak performance leaders must be able to regulate emotions and optimise energy, for themselves as well as for those they teach, lead and influence. 

Our aim is to create an environment where everyone thrives. We increase engagement, motivation and resilience, and reduce sources of resistance, such as boredom, stress, anxiety and frustration. 





Recognising a system that's challenged with increasing demands and a scarcity of resources in terms of time, money and energy, we have created a programme with a start point that requires minimal effort. 

We leverage the momentum created at the start, and support participants to develop their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing habits progressively. This incremental approach leads to sustainable and permanent behaviour change.


Our physical environment influences our moods and behaviours, often subliminally. 

We use a range of eye-catching floor-standing banners, posters and information cards to prompt optimal behaviours. They are changed regularly to retain their novelty, and ability to 'grab attention'.


Whole of staff training provides an opportunity for everyone to connect, learn and be inspired to take action developing a common language and using  a consistent framework. 

Sessions provide a safe space to try out new techniques and support each other, with an expert to challenge how participants typically think, feel and behave.


1-1 coaching provides a private safe space to:

  • explore how the concepts apply to individuals personally
  • create a plan that achieves success, as defined by them
  • be supported to embed new concepts, develop and grow


We believe in the core principles that 'awareness is the greatest agent for change' and 'what gets measured gets worked on'.

Having a baseline to tailor and target training & coaching and measure its impact is key. It also provides a focus for participants to connect, engage and work on what's going on for themselves and the organisation. 



Recognising busy schedules and timetables, our self-directed online course provides a flexible way for participants to access and embed the learning. Participants  choose when, where and the frequency to suit their own personal preference and commitments.

It also provides a refresher for those that would like to revisit something covered in the training sessions.



We offer a range of activities, resources and tools to bring the concepts to life and to be a practical guide for participants to embed new techniques.

Designed to complement the environmental prompts, the resources provide a reminder of what has been covered in sessions and a tool that can be shared with others. 

Invest In Your People

People Care More When They Feel Cared For

Leaders are more able to create environments, where others can thrive, feeling safe and cared for, when they feel valued, appreciated and cared for themselves. 

Why This Approach?

It is not enough to teach wellbeing practises and social emotional skills, if leaders do not model them themselves. Furthermore, it is more difficult to care for others, when you feel undervalued or under-appreciated, and sadly, many people feel this way.

Through investing in your people it demonstrates how much you value and care for them, as well as equipping them with the tools to manage their own wellbeing so they feel and perform better.

In turn, this creates a foundation for building and inspiring a whole community in which wellbeing practises and social emotional skills can be developed, and peak performance can be achieved.  


Emotional intelligence (EQ) is at the core of our methodology, with the aim of supporting everyone in the community to be 'smarter with feelings'. Instead of emotions defining how we experience life, with enhanced emotional intelligence skills, those emotions can be used intentionally to fuel success and improve wellbeing.

We use a wide range of assessment tools for gathering data, informing strategy, raising awareness and facilitating personal development. 

These statistically validated tools capture key data about the people side of performance and have been developed by Six Seconds (www.6seconds.org), The Emotional Intelligence Network, and used by world organisations. 

These tools provide a valuable link between performance outcomes and the eight core EQ competencies and essential life skills for success, so that we can target the coaching and training for maximum impact.


Achieve More With Less

Work Smarter not Harder By Tailoring Your Program To Your Needs   

Create a program designed for your people, setting and unique challenges and optimise your investment of time, effort and resources.

Programme Timeline

An indicative schedule is set out below showing the recommended core elements for optimal impact. Individual programmes may vary to suit specific needs or challenges in an education setting.

Phase 1 - Engagement

Phase 2 - Activation

Phase 3 - Reflection

Masterclass Topics 

Every education setting has different priorities. Select from a range of topics including:

Manage Anxiety

Understand how you experience stress and anxiety. Identify your typical triggers and responses and learn strategies to regulate and navigate negative emotions.

Mindset for Success

Our mindset and beliefs set the tone for our performance. Realise your potential and stop those self-doubts, negative thoughts, or feelings of ‘imposter syndrome’ from sabotaging your success.

Navigate Low Moods

When we feel those unpleasant low moods, we lack energy and find it hard to move forward and often we look for something to 'fix' our moods so we feel 'happy'. What if there was a better way? 

Coaching Skills

The best leaders inspire peak performance through empowering others to find wisdom within and tap into their intrinsic energy. Transform from command and control to challenge and coach with well-honed tips and techniques used by the experts.

Managing Conflicts

Learn how to manage aggressive behaviour, deliver unwelcome news or mediate different opinions. Understand how your own beliefs and patterns are influencing the situation and create a 'safe' space for sharing and achieving optimal outcomes.


Understand how you motivate yourself and others and learn new ways to optimise motivation in different situations. Whilst extrinsic motivation can work, be mindful of when it falls short or even sabotages peak performance.

Do What You Do Best

And develop your people with the support of experts in people

Implement strategies to increase engagement and tap into intrinsic motivation using through harnessing the power in emotions.  

I'm Lisa

Leadership Coach | Expert in People

My mission is to help educators (being all the people that work in the education setting) to feel good and be well, feeling appreciated, supported and cared for.

In this optimal state they 'do what they do' best, maximising their impact as the key influencers in the setting, improving the outcomes for EVERYONE within their education community,

I have combined my expertise in emotional intelligence, people behaviour and coaching hundreds of people with different goals, challenges and personality styles, with my practical experience of raising three children, overcoming personal challenges and achieving my version of success, to create this Wellbeing Programme.

Annual Programme

From ÂŁ500 per month*


  • Vital Signs Tool to assess emotional climate pre-implementation
  • Two all of staff training days, two Masterclass workshops & one interactive WhatsApp challenges
  • Leadership EQ assessments with 1-1 debrief for key influencers
  • Access to online course for all participants
  • A variety of visual prompts for prominent placement to grab attention and nudge optimal behaviours (changed periodically)
  • Ad hoc email support with tips and techniques at intermittent points during the year

* Based on 70 staff 

Build a Programme that Works For Your People

Most people would agree that health and wellbeing is of fundamental importance for performance and success and yet, many only prioritise it when something goes wrong. 

However, it is also true that supporting someone who is experiencing serious physical and mental health issues has a far higher 'cost' - emotional and financial - than the cost of preventative training.

Indeed we maintain and run an annual MOT for our cars, why not adopt a similar approach to our health and wellbeing?

Recognising the dilemma of balancing training for immediate needs versus training for long term benefits, we have created a range of different training options so you can design a programme that fits with your constraints and addresses your needs and challenges.

We will guide you to assess where you are and what you would like to achieve and   help you to craft a solution that works for your people.