An update on the Codger Ailments...

During a late season friendly featuring a “codger-heavy” 5th XI, we asked some of the players about various ailments they have to contend with whilst also navigating the art of playing cricket, and life in general, as the years advance. Here’s a 5 minute video featuring the voices of club stalwarts and codgers Derek “Del” Rushforth, Bob Longcock, Keith Haynes, & Dan Allen and also some splendid batting by Bob “Dutchy” Hollands, who is now 50 and our most recently anointed codger.

Bob Longcock’s Hip Replacement No. 2
The Sequel

I thought it was quite clever to offer to take Mrs Longcock Christmas shopping in exchange for a brisk round of golf after the latest lock down. Wrong!

 Following an 18 hole slog round a “damp” Farleigh Golf Course my remaining “good” hip was not happy. I couldn't get down the stairs, the shopping trip was off, and the wrath of the better half forced me to face up to reality. It is time for my second hip replacement and transformation to becoming a bionic codger!

Fortunately the surgeon, a delightful lady now called Sarah after many years as Frank (with size 10 feet to match) has a 'slot' in February which means there’s an outside chance of being "Codger fit" for the start of the cricket season. More likely a spell on the sidelines and perhaps a guest appearance in the Village side in September......whatever, it will be great to get the 2021 season underway, hopefully on time and in full. 

Merry Christmas from the Longcocks and BlackKnightBats!

My Kidney Stone by Derek “Del” Rushforth!

One other codger ailment that deserves an airing is the dreaded kidney stone. And yes ladies the passing of which is worse than childbirth! I managed to get one passed through the pipes of love 2 years ago, and it was no fun. Cross your legs chaps, they managed to get it 75% down the tube by a zapping machine where you sit in a pool of water while they fire what feels like elastic bands at you. They then stopped that, as it wasn't moving, to perform a local operation where they get what feels like an umbrella inserted up your "best friend", then open said umbrella and scrape it down. Now as you get to a certain age you need to divest urine more often, but a month of going every half hour is sheer purgatory..... Handy hint, don't get one!

The Many Ailments of Keith Haynes. This Week: The Cataract!

Oh yes! I’m half way through a cataract operation if that’s possible. Eye 1 done a month ago and eye 2 being done 21st Dec. No longer shouting “keep an eye on it” for every golf shot and being piloted towards a cricket ball in the deep! I’m like Auto Sergi on the compare the meerkat advert! With 20/20 vision restored the new cricket season should be immense at the age of 65. Just hope reactions and limbs can keep up with the new vision.

Here’s a pic of Keith with his “near-side” indicator! I can assure you, he’s all well and good now and playing as much codger golf as he can eat….