Struggling To Motivate Your People?

Engage in a process that will provide clarity and guidance for behaviours, processes and decision-making.

Did you know that one of the top motivators for employees is to understand what's required of them?

Learn how to communicate your vision in a way that engages people at an emotional level so they feel personally connected to their day to day activities.


A Culture For Success

Create A Culture To Drive The Behaviours You Desire

With a well-defined vision together with a clear set of values that are short, simple and easy to remember, created collaboratively and intentionally, you will discover how to:

  • Improve engagement
  • Build and maintain motivation 
  • Enable the right people to be on the bus and the wrong people to get off it

Integrating this throughout your business from how you recruit, your systems and processes to how you make decisions will reap enormous rewards.

This is For You If...

  • You are constantly being asked questions about what or how to do something
  • There doesn't seem to be consistency in how and what is being done
  • You're being driven by KPIs or outcomes that aren't motivating
  • Goals and actions are not aligned with your vision
  • No one remembers your vision statement - it's too long and complex

Inspire More, Instruct Less

Learn the formula to building engagement and enthusiasm and use it to:

  • Create a sustainable source of energy to get things done 
  • Communicate effectively with less need to inform every action
  • Provide a benchmark against which all decisions can be made
  • Create a more consistent approach to problem solving
  • Recruit, appraise and monitor progress for your culture

Why now?

The following mega trends are driving the demand for organisations to focus on building a positive culture:

  • In a more competitive, abundant and noisy world businesses are seeking new ways to stand out 
  • Increasing levels of stress & anxiety contributing to sickness & absence require a focus on emotional climate
  • There is a shift towards recruiting people based on culture rather than skills - “Hire the attitude, teach the skills”.

What's Involved In Defining Your Vision & Values


The Set Up

We will work with you to decide on the most effective approach for your organisation considering:

  • Who will be involved (staff, contractors, other stakeholders etc and for those not involved, how will their views be sought 
  • How will we communicate so your people feel informed and ready to engage with the whole process
  • What preparation activities need to be done before the collaborative session

The Day

We will facilitate the workshop to ensure the Vision and Values are independently formed without personal bias or judgement. 

It is important to note that the process itself is as important as the outcomes, providing a source of great insights to inform your cultural strategy going forward. For example, participants will be invited to contribute to:

  • The cultural & commercial vision
  • The core values that will drive that vision
  • Any changes they believe would make your organisation even better

The Follow Up

After the session we will send you a summary of the vision statements and value words discussed during the session. All contributions are considered relevant and will inform your cultural strategy going forward. We will have a follow up meeting to:

  • Debrief how the session went;
  • Discuss feedback on your Vision and Values
  • Agree next steps.

We will discuss how to embed your vision and values into your cultural strategy and throughout all the systems and processes in your organisation.


I'm Lisa Allen

After graduating in Mathematics, I pursued a career as a Chartered Accountant. Whilst this provided a great salary, training and professional skills I never felt fully engaged and experienced periods of burnout and depression. Also, whenever friends asked me for advice about their finances it would drain my energy.

Looking back, I realise that these were all signs that I wasn't connected to my purpose. At that point in my life I wasn't aware of what motivated me intrinsically (or how important it was) and back then, businesses were also less focussed on the cultural side of business.

Roll forward to today, running a business that is fully aligned with my 'why' I intentionally work with people and businesses who are also aligned. The result? I feel happy, motivated and full of energy able to go the extra mile without any impact on my health and wellbeing.

Now I use what I've learned to help people and organisations connect with their purpose so they achieve more, with less stress and more enjoyment.

"If you hire people because they can do a job they will work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they will work for you with blood, sweat and tears."

- Simon Sinek