Ground Prep

At Sanderstead CC we actively encourage our younger members to get involved in all aspects of the club and we are blessed to have such a great bunch of younger players - many  of them sons of Sanderstead stalwarts - who want to get stuck in. Becoming a groundsman is usually associated with being a retired player, but we’ve got a few lads who work tirelessly on making our ground so perfect for club/village cricket and with a track that produces excellent cricket for batters and bowlers alike. One of these is Dan Carey, son of “Archbishop” Richard Carey, who learnt the art of “groundsmanning” from a stint at The Oval alongside other SCC players Richie Bull (currently playing grade cricket for Sutherland District CC in Sydney), Christie Sullivan, James Allen and Matt Harris.

Here’s a short video of Tyler Ward asking Dan what he’s been up to during the off-season and how the ground preparations for 2021 are going.