The Muller-Lyer Optical Illusion

They are actually the same! In the Muller-Lyer illusion the lines appear to be different lengths. The arrows at each end are tricking the brain into thinking the lines are nearer or further away. Click here to see the proof

Our brains respond to what we see. We have created a range of brain 'nudge' cards that focus on prompting the behaviours that will result in better outcomes.  

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Words have power to influence how we think, feel and act

Understanding how our brains interpret words is key. In this example, our brain hasn't registered the negative DON'T. Instead it has focussed on the instruction LOOK leading you to look at the sentence below. 

Words hold so much power - use them wisely. Here is an interesting article on how three little words used in the right way can make all the difference.

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Your MIND is your most valuable asset

Are you using it to its full potential?

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